Vacuum Technology Short Course

Join us for a Vacuum Technology Short Course on July 18, 2024 from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm at Monteith Research Center, led by the Analytical Instrumentation Facility in collaboration with the Commercial Leap Ahead Wide Bandgap Semiconductors (CLAWS) Hub at NC State. This is primarily a hands on course with some lecture time. Individuals will work on two functioning vacuum systems. Each attendee will manually remove and install components to learn practical knowledge when dealing with vacuum systems. Covered components include forepumps, turbomolecular pumps, ion pumps, thermocouple and cold cathode gauges, valves, flanges, and feedthroughs.

In addition to hands-on instruction, attendees will receive the following:

  • Digital copy of lecture materials

The course instructor will be Fred Stevie. Fred has 40 years of experience with vacuum instrumentation and is an American Vacuum Society instructor.

Register by Wednesday July 17 to attend via this Google Form:

Light breakfast and lunch will be provided for attendees, as well as complimentary parking for non-NCSU participants.

Parking and directions can be found here: