RTNN is hosting a free nanotechnology workshop for community college educators at NC State on August 6-7, 2019. The workshop is open to educators from all backgrounds though it will focus on the incorporation of nanotechnology and nanoscience into basic science curricula, such as chemistry and physics. Participants will receive an overview on nanotechnology, learn more about specific nanotechnology characterization and fabrication tools and how they function, and discover how nanotechnology plays a role in applications across a variety of fields. The workshop will include hands-on work in a clean room and using analytical instruments. A detailed agenda will be posted soon. Last year’s agenda can be found here.
Support funding is available to participants for costs associated with travel. To apply for funding, please visit the support funding page.
The 2019 workshop is now full. If you would like to be added to the waiting list, please complete the registration form.
Questions/concerns can be directed to rtnanonetwork@ncsu.edu.
Note: Community college educators may also participate in the RTNN’s Research Experience for Teachers (RET) program. In the RET program, educators receive a $5,000 stipend to conduct research in an RTNN lab and develop curriculum linked to their project. For more information and to apply, visit the RET page.