Work with us! RTNN Internships available to local community college students

Internship Opportunity at NC State University

The Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN) is looking to support (2) part-time internship opportunities for currently enrolled community college students to experience and learn laboratory skills at the NCSU Nanofabrication Facility (NNF) and/or the Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF) at NC State University. The NC State Nanofabrication Facility (NNF) is a Class 100 cleanroom  that provides semiconductor processing capabilities to academic, industrial, and government users. The facility possesses a full range of micro- and nano-fabrication capabilities, enabling research and small-scale manufacturing in several science and engineering disciplines, including electrical engineering, materials science, chemical/biomedical engineering, mechanical engineering, physics, textiles, and veterinary medicine. The AIF is NC State’s primary shared facility for materials characterization with a mission to enable and lead state-of-the-art research through acquisition, development, maintenance, training, and access to major analytical and materials characterization instrumentation.

The RTNN is an innovation hub for transformative nanotechnology research, discovery, education, commercialization, and workforce development, and is one of 16 sites in the National Nanotechnology Coordinated Infrastructure (NNCI), which is supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF).

Through this program, two students will work alongside staff and experts in the NNF or AIF at NC State University to learn about nanofabrication and analytical equipment. Specific techniques and objectives will be chosen based on the interest and field of study of the students selected. The RTNN is looking for engineering/science students to assist and learn all aspects of working in a nanotechnology user facility.  Candidates must currently be currently enrolled in a community college in the Triangle area and in an engineering or STEM-related discipline. Laboratory experience preferred, but not required.

The primary responsibilities for this position will be as follows:

  • Work in a laboratory environment 
  • Assist NNF and AIF staff with routine maintenance and upkeep of the laboratories
  • Perform hands-on work with a wide range of analytical and nanofabrication equipment
  • Collaborate with students and research staff
  • Participate in outreach activities (i.e. tours, demonstrations, etc.)

This opportunity is expected to last throughout the academic year with a commitment of 10-15 hours per week is expected for this internship, with hourly pay @ $15/hour. Expected start date is late September. Applications due September 13, 2024. If you miss this deadline – you may still send your resume and application materials for consideration until positions are filled, or other opportunities we can keep you in mind for.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please submit resumes (including GPA) and <1 page statement of interest via email to

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